.Newsletter 1 :: 10/15/2011

How Vitamin B12 Calms ADHD
By Joan Bennett on December 22, 2010 in ADD-ADHD Vitamins, Special Reports

In this report you will learn about the scientifically proven benefits of Vitamin B12 and how it can help eliminate many of your ADD-ADHD symptoms.

Just the other night, Karen was conferred with the 'Best Employee of the Year' award. Her colleagues were surprised. Karen does not share a good equation with her colleagues. She gets irritated at the slightest pretext and often throws tantrums in the office. Her colleagues remark that the word 'calmness' is missing from Karen's lexicon. They also say that she is never able to concentrate on a single task and keeps fleeting from one task to the other.

Karen suffers from ADD-ADHD [[Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity], a fact that is not known to her colleagues. ADD-ADHD is a neurological ailment. Patients afflicted with ADD-ADHD often display a sense of apathy towards their immediate surroundings. They suffer from low levels of concentration and find it difficult to remain associated with a particular task from start to finish. ADD-ADHD sufferers also get distracted quite often and tend to have a poor memory. They are prone to sudden bouts of anger and hence find it difficult to have a normal relationship at work or in personal life. At times, they can get engaged in a self-destructive behavior.

Medical practitioners have for a long time been using Ritalin and Adderall to treat patients suffering from ADD-ADHD. An estimate shows that in the year 1996, more than 1.5 million school going kids in the US were being administered with Ritalin. However, recent medical research has revealed that Ritalin can cause a lot of undesirable effects in human beings. It is known to cause nervousness, drug addiction, hair loss and convulsions. In certain cases Ritalin can also lead to the death of the patient.

The ill effects associated with Ritalin have forced researchers to look for alternative cure. Many researchers believe that vitamins hold the key to providing a safer cure for ADD-ADHD sufferers. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry advocates the use of liberal doses of vitamins to reduce the symptoms associated with ADD-ADHD. The same story is repeated with Adderall, which contains amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Amphetamine has been associated with many side effects such as drug dependence, heart palpitations, diarrhea, constipation, impotence, insomnia etc.

Now, you will be wondering as to how vitamins can help in the alleviation of ADD-ADHD symptoms….

Vitamins play a vital role in the production of energy packets in the brain cell. The lack of sufficient quantities of vitamins can hamper the production of energy. Lack of energy can prevent the brain from dispensing its responsibilities properly and that might trigger the onset of ADD-ADHD.

Among the many vitamins required for the proper functioning of the brain, Vitamin B12 perhaps is counted amongst one of the most important vitamins of all. In the opinion Dr. Elson M. Haas, the deficiency of Vitamin B12 can cause an irreversible damage to the brain and the neurological system.

B12 or rather methyl-B12 a form of Vitamin B12 plays a pivotal role in the production of myelin, a protective sheath round the neurons. We all are aware of the fact that the entire neurological system is exposed to wide range of chemicals such as lead and mercury, which enter our body via food or the polluted air that is available for breathing in the 21st century. These chemicals can cause an irreparable damage to the brain and prevent its proper functioning. Methyl-B12 helps in the regeneration of the neurons as well as the production of myelin.

According to Dr. Arturo M. Volpe, "I have been recommending a form of vitamin B12 called methyl-B12 for children with autism and ADHD. Methyl B12 has been shown to protect neurons from glutamate toxicity. Glutamate is a natural neurotransmitter found in food that is also made in the brain and is essential for normal brain function. A healthy brain closely regulates how much glutamate can be present at any time because too much of it causes hyper-excitability and eventually leads to brain cell death. Researchers have shown that exposure to mercury or other toxins cause the brain to lose its ability to regulate glutamate levels. What happens next is that as glutamate is absorbed from food and made in the brain its levels skyrocket and cause widespread damage, ultimately leading to a broad range of brain disorders."

Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can also cause depression and tiredness, two common symptoms associated with ADD-ADHD sufferers.

A proper intake of Vitamin B12 can regulate the production of adenosyl-methionine, a type of amino acid. In the opinion of Dr. Richard A. Kunin, adenosyl-methionine can prove a vital factor that can alleviate the patient's mood and mental sharpness. Dr. Kunin states that Vitamin B12 joins hands with Folic acid to ensure the optimum production of adenosyl-methionine.

Research carried out by John Lindenbaum, M.D., of New York's Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, does prove that deficiency of Vitamin B12 can cause neurological problems as well as the feeling of tiredness. Studies have also revealed that a proper intake of Vitamin B12 is essential to gain control over symptoms such as delusions, memory loss, depression, difficulty in thinking etc.

Sufficient quantities of Vitamin B 12 also ensures a proper synthesis of S-adenosyl-methionine [SAMe] a amino acid that is known to promote concentration, a feeling of well-being, and alertness. Talking about Vitamin B12, Ray Sahelian states that, "the synthesis of SAMe is intimately linked with folate and Vitamin B12 metabolism, and deficiencies of both these vitamins have been found to reduce central nervous system SAMe concentrations. Both folate and Vitamin B12 deficiency may cause similar neurological and psychiatric disturbances including depression, dementia, and peripheral neuropathy."

Vitamin B12 has thus proved to be a vital ally in the fight against ADD-ADHD. Doctors feel that Vitamin B12 can provide a safer alternative treatment to Karen and scores of people like her.

This article is from the highly acclaimed book by Joan Bennett  " 17 Secret ADD-ADHD Vitamins"




Food as Medicine

Avocados are rich in healthy monounsaturated fats. Oleic acid accounts for over half the fat in avocado (a similar fat profile to olive oil), and has been shown both to increase the absorption of fat-soluble carotenoids and reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition to being a naturally low-glycemic food with a whopping seven to eight grams of fiber per cup, avocado is also full of rare 7-carbon sugars that may have a special ability to regulate blood sugar metabolism. Broccoli has a powerful cholesterol-lowering effect. Its fiber-related components bind to bile acids in the intestine and escort them out of the body (instead of these acids being reabsorbed with the fat molecules that they were initially released to digest). Because cholesterol is needed to produce bile acids, this temporary depletion draws upon the body's cholesterol stores, which lowers overall cholesterol levels. Although raw broccoli has cholesterol-lowering properties, the effect is significantly enhanced when lightly steamed.


1 pound broccoli
1 ripe avocado
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tablespoon grainy prepared mustard

  1. Trim and wash the broccoli and cut it into bite-sized pieces. Steam or boil the broccoli in a large pot until it is just crunchy-tender and bright green, then drain it well, and cool.
  2. Peel and pit the avocado, then cut it into small cubes. Fold the avocado into the broccoli.
  3. Whisk the olive oil, lemon juice, and mustard together in a small bowl, until well mixed.
  4. Toss the broccoli and avocado with the dressing.

Serves 4

Per serving
Calories 177
Fat 15 g
Saturated fat 2 g
(76% of calories from fat)
Protein 4.6 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Fiber 4.8 g

This Recipe is from the website of Dr. Andrew Weil.